Trivia Crack Cheats Guide

The new year has started with a new mobile app that is gaining popularity around the world: Trivia Crack. The game, created by Etermax, is the most popular free app right now for both iOS and Android with 100 million users, and counting. Users simply download the app, add their friends, and compete in solving trivia questions in six different categories: geography, science, art, entertainment, history and sports. There is really no way to "cheat" on the game, which gives you 30 seconds to answer each question, but there are some tactics and tips that can help you improve. Below are six ways you can step up your Trivia Crack game (pun intended).

1. Pick your weakest crown first. It's tempting to save your weakest crown for the end, but that'll do you more harm than good. By earning your crowns in order of weakest subjects to strongest subjects, you'll be saving time. After all, there's nothing worse than collecting all the crowns and losing the game over one subject.

2. Opt for a challenge. If your opponent has already collected the crown for a subject you are weak in, then consider serving them a challenge. This way, you have the option to take their crown from them while earning one too. An added plus is that you don't have to answer all the questions correctly -- you just have to answer more questions correctly than your opponent.

3. Turn off pop-up notifications. If your phone's settings has notifications popping up when people message you, then consider turning them off temporarily or even permanently. Why? If you have a friend who likes to text one thought in three messages, then you'll be spending most of your 30-second window getting rid of these said-messages than playing.

4. Learn your trivia. For whatever reason, you'll see few questions repeated as you play the game. So be sure to observe the right answer when you make a mistake or take a guess.
5. When in doubt, follow your gut. More often than not, you'll come across questions where you know you learned the topic but can't remember the answer. In such a scenario, follow your instinct and you will be surprised how often you're right. Yes, you won't always be right, but you've got a 25 percent shot of proceeding to the next question.

6. Practice. This tip is a bit excessive in our opinion -- and technically counts as cheating -- but if you're determined to defeat all your trivia crack opponents then head over to Trivia Crack Answers, which allows your to answer questions on the site. This will train your brain and hopefully you'll stumble upon the questions when playing with your friends.

Trivia Crack Answer's and Strategy

If Trivia Crack answers or strategy are what you’re looking for, then look no further! The most intense trivia app game today can be an elusive nut to crack with its seemingly endless supply of diverse questions and riddles, but don’t worry cause your ol’ uncle Cool Apps Man’s got the potion for that. Take a sip of these tasty guides and tips, and you’ll be feeling like Marilyn Monroe on her day off. Trivia Crack is available for android and all iOS devices including iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches. Keep reading for all the Trivia Crack answers you’ll need to prove your mom wrong about how dumb you are!
Trivia Crack is a competitive trivia game where players are matched up online in a head to head brain battle to the death. Each player takes turns spinning the trivia wheel, which is divided into several different categories. Players must correctly answer 3 questions in each category to earn a character based on the topic, and earn every character to win the game. The categories include history, art, sports, science, geography, entertainment and crown.

Answers can be difficult to predict due to the player’s inability to manually pick a topic, but they can counteract this disadvantage by choosing their categories or using bonuses. Bonuses cost coins which can be paid for in the app store, but are invaluable for finding Trivia Crack Answers for difficult questions. If a player lands on the crown area, they can decide whether they want to pick their own category or challenge an opponent to steal one of their characters.

Trivia Crack All Answer Are On The File